What people have said about
Michael LaBash, the designer




“I've already been showing the new site to people and I've been getting compliments on your design work as well as my artwork.


I really appreciate the simplicity and clarity of your design, and I think your choice of colors and the layout with the detail mosaic really enhances the way people see my work on the site.  So many people have expressed to me their appreciation for your design since the old Eroplay Featured Artist page went up back in the last century, I knew I had to stick with you and keep the new site similar to the old, just bigger and better.  What you did is just about perfect.


I wish I could afford to send you a thousand - you deserve it!  But as a freelancer myself I always try to keep my prices reasonable for artists and I really appreciate that you do the same!”


Fred Hatt, artist




“The radio DJ at Pirate Cat had some really nice things to say about the website--that it was one of the best websites he'd seen for anything, ever.  Cool, huh?! “


Gretchen, Sticks and Stones




“Well, believe it or not, I think it’s time to launch! Everything looks so beautiful, clean, clear and inviting…thank you a million times over for your unbelievable patience, understanding, flexibility and guidance in this process. I feel incredibly lucky that you were the one holding my hand through this. ”


Anna Kristina




“This is far overdue. I continually receive compliments on how good my website looks. Well, the person responsible for creating such a splendid website is my friend, Mr. Micheal LaBash. From the inception to the finished project he always maintains a level of consistent focus and professionalism, that always ends with a finished project that turns out a masterpiece. I extend my deepest appreciation and thanks to Mr. LaBash for his constant work to continually expand and grow my site. If you're interested in website services my one and only recommendation is Mr. LaBash.


King James




“Rock on! Hey love the new site design, hats off to Michael LaBash! And here I was all stoked about my new site :)” CHEERS


Mojo (re: Sticks and Stones website)




"…you are a fine designer as well as a true artist!"


Fred Hatt, artist, dancer




“…I don’t know of a better art director than you. It was so much fun, personally and professionally, working with you.”


Mike Harris, editor Electronics Journal




“Finding a designer that makes your navigation icons skeletal middle fingers and testicles…priceless.”


Christian Correra, artist & client




"The whole site (eroplay.com) is very beautifully designed... the sitemap alone is worthy of framing and hanging on a wall"






“EVERYONE is severely inadequate compared to you! You are truly a diamond in the ruff!


Irene Bremis, comedian




“You took my idea for a band poster and my wake and bake stream of consciousness and made it a reality for me. What more could I ask for?”


JB Diamond, High Voltage




"Thanks for all you've done. You're a pleasure to work with..."


- JB Diamond, High Voltage/Sabbath Lives




“Mikee I so love what you did for me. I have a beautiful slide show to share with my friends. I love that you showed every page for that is real.”


- Ann Cohen, artist




"The big thing is that he stayed neutral and really listens - he only gives opinions that you as the customer need to hear, but he never makes you feel that your idea is not valid."


Michael Saunders, Streetgrease Clothing




“Want a great web guy? My website guy is absolutely affordable and talented. He's great to work with, fast, easy and smart. Check him out!”


Athena Reich




"Thank you once again on your amazing, hard work."


Hilary Schwartz, comedian




"Thanks for your patience, knowledge, responsiveness, and kind manner. I would not hesitate to recommend you!"


Susan Frances Champagne, client




Subject: Nice work!

Hey, Michael,

Just wanted to say I think the new site for Jude looks fantastic!  You always do such a great job, and it's an absolute pleasure to work with you!  This site came together at such hectic time for both me and (especially) Jude--you made it so easy and did a great job keeping the project moving.  You know I'll always be recommending you. :-)

Again, many thanks on yet another awesome website!


Gretchen Menn, Musician & Client




“The High Voltage poster is awesome and great!  It's funny, creative, entertaining, and intriguing to say the least.  Thanks for a job well done!”


Joe V, High Voltage




“Oh you rock Michael. I am so appreciative of all the hard work and how reasonable your rates are. I recommend you to everyone who asks.”


- Clementine (Zepparella, Stars Turn Me On)




You are the Man!!!!!!!!

Looks amazing, awesome work so stoked....

Thanks again Michael!


Marin Gardens




"Award winning SF artist Michael LaBash just finished another project for me. … No one can design a site like Michael. Call him for your Web Design and Artistry needs. The man does awesome work..."


Jb Diamond on Facebook 8/17/13




<palo> which web authoring software did you switch too?

<labash> dreamweaver 4

<palo> ok

<palo> so, the LUVeR.com site is built by dreamweaver 4?

<palo> the reason I ask is because it's probably one of the best sites I've seen anywhere...

<palo> and they layout is great...




"Just to reiterate, Sano is pleased as punch with all your work and thinks you're the best thing since sliced bread."


Cathryn Streeter, Bioscience Securities, Inc.




"The new look and feel (of the website) is terrific. Also, I've gotten complements from folks about how fast it loads and how good it looks. Congratulations on a great design."


Jonah McLeod, www.literatureview.com




“The new slide show is a masterstroke of design…wow and thanks.”


Rick Deragon, painter, teacher, artist




"Everybody that sees my featured artist gallery raves about the design of the site – well-conceived, clean, elegant, easy to navigate, loads quickly, great use of color. I always give you credit….I was working for a big internet company with 300 employees and a bunch of sites and I have to say though they have a few nicely designed sites, yours beats the crap out of most of them. Nearly everybody I’ve shown it to, their first response is "Who designed that for you – it’s beautifullyl done!"


Fred Hatt, artist, dancer




“And Mikee, you have the dope skills, wicked styles and bomb design.”


Jennifer Wilson, artist




"Wow --seeing the photos next to the text is stellar and colorful --I like what you are doing with this. It's enjoyable to look at--the combinations!"


Marie K. (about NYC 2002)




“She said that they don’t usually cold call people for work like that, they usually go with personal recommendations, but they really liked the card, and got a good feeling from it.”


On the subject of a business card by Michael LaBash




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